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Date: Wed, 7 Jul 93 09:16:51 BST
Message-Id: <9307070816.AA00943@booth11.ecs.ox.ac.uk>
From: m88jrh@ecs.oxford.ac.uk
To: amigae@bkhouse.cts.com
Subject: Wish list for new Amiga E version...
I don't know how (or if) I could become a Beta-tester for Wouter, but if I
did I might make the following suggestions:
1) I've tried to write a couple of utilities recently, and I've needed to be
able to write a PROC which takes its arguments in certain registers (a
PROC suitable for SetFunction()ing). I could probably write it in inline
assembly but I'd much rather not. Would it be easy to add this feature to
PROC definitions (like 'C')?
2) Also, a simple E command to preserve/reinstate the registers would be handy.
Someone will probably suggest a MOVEM command but am I allowed to rely on
the stack being in certain states?
3) What about a few options to make a compiled E program detach itself and run
in the background? (You can use 'runback' utilities but its not ideal.)
Would it be possible to add support for (checking?) the purity of code? (So
you know if you can make it a 'resident' program, or even something like
a handler or library.)
4) On the subject of handlers, is it possible to write one purely in E? (No
assembly used?) If so, that would make a really nice example to give away
in the package (documentation is *so* lacking in CBM's books). Maybe
someone could translate Matt Dillon's ram: handler...
5) I'm gald to hear a debugger is on its way. That was going to be my fifth
6) What E really needs, though, to make it great is some great documentation.
E can really be the beginners language because it's very much like Pascal
or Modula-2, and it compiles **SOOOO**** quickly compared to most other
languages. I am willing to help write such documentation if Wouter would
like this. The only thing stopping me helping now is I don't yet feel I
know enough about the language.
7) Marketing E as a commercial product should be easy (E-zee!). Get the major
Amiga mags interested (in the UK at least...) and people should be beating
a path to your door, Wouter!
Finally, I am extremely impressed with E. I am even more impressed with the
support which Wouter has been giving. This language has great possibilities!
It's not the perfect large application development language yet, but it sure
seems like it will be soon. SAS, Aztec and the others had better watch out.
Thanks, Wouter, for a brilliant piece of programming.
_____ _
/ / | / /
/ /__/ /__/ Jason R. Hulance
/ /\ / / <m88jrh@uk.ac.oxford.ecs>
|_/ . / \ . / / .